Welcome to my page.  I
have created this page in
an attempt to stop or at
least make someone think
before they make the
decision to drink and
drive.  A hope and a
prayer that it affects and
stops at least one
person...It could mean a
life saved.
(Above Left) Whats left of DUI's 98 Subaru Forrester
(Above Right) What left of our 95 Plymouth Voyager
On November 19, 2000, at approx. 6:14am, we were hit head on by a drunk driver going the wrong
way on the highway.  It was right before dawn and on a crest, so there was no warning.  We hit at an
estimated combined speed of 135mph.  At a .27 (taken at approx. 9:30am at the legal blood draw, not
at the time of the accident) She got on the offramp of a divided highway. She (the drunk driver) died 4
hours after the crash.
(Left) Jayson aka Peanut.  2 years old, face
slashed to the bone, barely missing his temple and
eye socket.  Multiple bruises.  Stuck in his built in
car seat, while the van was on fire, smoke filled
van, stopped crying, no one could find him.  I am
thankful everyday that so many strangers stopped
to help, risking their own lives to save someone
they did not know.
(Right) Jacob, 4 years old at the
time of this accident.  Broken
Femur, bruises, external fixator
(4 large pins on the outside, going
through to his leg bone), 4 months
in a wheel chair.  A lot of painful
practice with his walker to get his
strength and learn how to walk
again.  Spent his 5th birthday in
his wheelchair.  Emotional scars
forever. (Right Bottom Picture)
Taken approx 1 1/2 weeks after
(Left) Jayson
2 days after
the accident.
(Below) Our van over a month later, just after it
was let out of the police impound yard.  Tried to
recover our many thing we had in there from
the morning of the accident to no avail.  Most
of the front interior was to smashed in to
retrieve anything.  And since we landed nose
first after the impact, everything was in the
I want you to see the reality of what happens.  This could happen to you or your family.
Hopefully not.  I would not wish this on my worst enemy.  This is so preventable.  If you know
someone is has been drinking and is going to drive, take their keys, find a designated driver.  
Who knows, the life you might save might be someone you love.
I am not saying don't drink, I am not trying to stop people from drinking.  All I am asking is
do it responsibly.  Take a cab, have a sober friend drive you home.  Although this might
seem a little inconvenient at the time, to go back in the morning and pick up your car.  I
guarantee it is going to be a lot more inconvenient to serve up to 20 years for each person
you kill, up to 10 years for each person you cause serious bodily harm to.  More fines,
restitution than you can afford.  And if you have a conscience, live with the guilt.  If you live
through it.
Important note...I have had many questions with this topic of liability of the
casino's and business here in Nevada.  Well, most states have a law, I believe
is called the Dram Shop Law.  Holding business liable for negligently
over-serving their customers or employees, where afterwards they go out and
kill someone or cause serious bodily harm.  Well, in Nevada, they do not have
this law.  In fact, a casino/business can serve someone as much as they want,
have their own security guards walk them to their car, the drunk driver can
then kill or injure someone and they have NO liability.  Does that seem right?  
It is easier to understand when the medical bills are going over $200,000 and
there is not enough insurance to even cover half.  And still more surgeries to
go.  No one left is liable.  You need to contact the legislature and ask them
why?  Why is this ok?  Because they contribute the state tax and have a lot of
political influence?  How many people have to die or be maimed before it is
changed.  I believe if they took more responsibility for their actions, there
would be less of these alcohol related accidents.  In fact, in Nevada, in 2000
out of all the traffic fatalities, 45% were alcohol related.  Nevada is one that is
way above the national average.  1 in 3 will be in an alcohol related accident at
some time in their lives.  When a commercial airplane crashes, it is national
news, yet in the US, it would take a total of 2 full commercial passenger
airplanes crashing every week for a year in order to equal the number a year
that people are killed in alcohol related crashes and it is seldom on the local
news. (source: NHTSA/FARS Data)

Don't wait to ask why there is no liability.  Don't wait until it is your son,
daughter, husband or wife that is killed or injured before you put your foot
down and ask WHY?  Why are they not accountable for their negligence?  
Write, email the people you voted for.  Thank you.
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Created June 14,
A huge thanks to my Mother who flew down the morning of the accident for taking
these pictures and taking care of us, also to my brother, a WA St Trooper for flying
down and helping us with the legal and police matters.
I hope that in viewing these pictures you can see your kids or your family in their faces
and hopefully try to prevent this all to often tragedy.  I can only hope that sharing our
pain and story will help someone else.  It and time has helped with our healing,
especially in healing mentally.  Thank you for taking the time to read our pages.